Sunday, December 4, 2016

The Wiswell family wishes you a Happy and Peaceful Holiday!


For our beloved Susan 11.03.16 - They thrive in the light of her love

For Susan -

Her last words to me, before she slipped into unconsciousness, were “ I love you all so much."

It has been said that the only real thing of value in this life is giving and receiving true and unconditional love...well, my beauties...this priceless gift from your mother to you manifests itself in you here today.   I can honestly say that, in my life's experience, I have never been witness to a more  complete, more generous, yet pragmatic devotion of a mother to her beloved children.   Please wear that love as a protective armor against the world's rough edges.

You know she lived for you 3 wonderful watch you becoming your best selves was the true delight of her life...

I remember one fine September morning, waking up next to my love, hearing her say “ It's been so long since I have felt like myself.”

That's what this monster disease too the very best human I have had the privilege to know...

She fought so bravely, selflessly, caring primarily about letting us let her go with peace, love, and a profound serenity that leaves me breathless.

My woman/girl, a daughter, sister, mother, loyal and devoted wife, friend, confidant, a most trusted and loyal advisor, a graceful spirit of such sacred humanity...a woman in full.

She always wanted to do the right thing. She never seemed to lose faith that you, her closest friends and clients would do the same.   Perhaps her genius in this was that her faith in us may have elevated us, willing or no.

And so, we thank you all for being with us today, your kindness and support through the years, and being a part of our lives. We are especially grateful to Libby and Sue for making today happen. For Mary and Vanessa, I am deeply honored and joyful to be your new “breakfast buddy.” For all the “behind the scenes” acts of love and kindness that you have performed over the years, and especially now...there are no words. Thanks to my friends and coworkers at the Inn, and the Heilners for their endless acts of kindness. We owe an enormous debt to the skilled and dedicated Cape Henlopen educators, represented here today by the Donahues, Fredericks and Burkharts. Thank you to the Miles River Yacht Club Foundation for the wonderful work they do in Talbot County and the surrounding area, helping the underprivileged.   We are deeply and  humbly grateful to Ed and Cathy Scott, and the Allemall Foundation, for their contributions in making this life, and our childrens' education, largely possible.

I thank you, Yvonne, for your daughter. Your constant devotion to her and the shaping of her character made her the gift we share today. Lastly, I want to thank our children, Tom, Ben, and Hannah. You are the embodiment of your mother's spirit, intelligence, and love. As long as we stand together, there is no trial we cannot face.

And now, she would want us to continue moving forward, live happy and full lives, to “gobedo.” She would want me to “keep it real, Don.”
Yes dear, but first, please, will you allow me this for my friend, my love, my soul reviver?

By W. B. Yeats - 
When you are old and gray and full of sleep 
And nodding by the fire, take down this book, 
And slowly read, and dream of the soft look 
Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep; 

How many loved your moments of glad grace, 
And loved your beauty with love false or true; 
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you, 
And loved the sorrows of your changing face.

And bending down beside the glowing bars, 
Murmur, a little sadly, how love fled 
And paced upon the mountains overhead, 
And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Susan Young Wiswell, CPA (MD/PA/DE) - Forever in our hearts 12/21/1963 - 11/03/2016

Below is the text of the  letter sent to her clients and friends:

Early this morning, our beloved Susan left us peacefully, at home and without pain, after her long and difficult battle with cancer.

Each of us will remember her for varying reasons, however, her great heart, wisdom, compassion, and grasp of her craft leave indelible and deep remembrances.  A truly beloved wife, mother, friend, confidant, and a loyal and trustworthy advisor, Susan faced her final trials with peace, serenity, and a sacrificial love for her children and grandchildren that is so heartbreakingly angelic as to defy true description.

We are so grateful for your trust, friendship, and support over the years, and wish each of you a happy and successful future.

Susan asks that, if you wish to make an offering in her name, her chosen recipients are any of these: The American Cancer Society, The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (Team Hope division), or UNICEF.

With kind regards and gratitude,
The Wiswell family

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Hannah Wiswell is accepted into The Governor's School for Excellence in Academics and Music

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Delaware Governor's School for Excellence
July 10-15, 2016

Governor's School for Excellence
Sponsored by the office of the Governor of the State of Delaware in cooperation with the Delaware Department of Education and the University of Delaware.


The Delaware Governor's School for Excellence is a one-week summer residential program that brings together academically and artistically talented Delaware high school students who have completed their sophomore year. Students live in residence halls on the Newark campus and attend either the academic program--consisting of discussions, lectures, debates, and films revolving around a specific theme--or the visual and performing arts program, which provides tutorial instruction with a noted artist and culminates in a performance or public display of the students' work. Students are nominated to participate in Governor's School through their schools, in a competitive application process.
Delaware Governor's School for Excellence is sponsored by the Office of the Governor of the State of Delaware in cooperation with the Delaware Department of Education and the University of Delaware's Division of Professional and Continuing Studies.

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Delaware Governor's SchoolGovernor's School for Exellence   |   University of Delaware  |  Newark, DE 19716  •   USA

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Cape Henlopen High School receives The National Blue Ribbon award for outstanding achievement in 2015

Only 62 high schools of the 33,000 high schools in the United States received this prestigious award.