Friday, June 5, 2009

Tamara Kennedy goes to Federal prison for parental kidnapping


Associated Press

Maryland Today

Originally published June 05, 2009

Mother gets prison term for kidnapping son

BALTIMORE (AP) — A woman who fled with her son from Maryland to Mexico more than 10 years ago has been sentenced in Baltimore to a year and a day in federal prison for parental kidnapping.
U.S. District Judge Andre Davis also ordered on Friday that Tamara Kennedy be on supervised probation for one year after her release.
Kennedy is in her late 50s. She pleaded guilty in April to kidnapping Joseph Kennedy from Hagerstown in September 1998 to hinder his father’s visitation rights.
In 1999, a judge granted sole custody of the boy to his father, Donald Wiswell.
Kennedy was arrested with her son in December while trying to renew their passports at the U.S. Consulate in Guadalajara.